Systems Training Center Turns 8 Years!

We’re 8 years old! Wow, what a journey it has been. Below we have a letter from the founder and owner of Systems Training Center, Marcus Kowal.


There’s a lot of energy at Systems, these days. It’s almost like we have a party there, every single day and at the end of it, when the endorphins start to slowly calm down, along with the heart rate and thoughts, you very quickly realize how tired you are. But it’s a good kind of tired, because you feel content, happy.

On July 1, 2013, we officially opened the doors as owners of Systems Training Center. I had a vision of what I wanted Systems to be and along the road, that vision has been modified and fine-tuned but I somewhere deep inside, I always knew what the vision was and it was this; Systems. Who we are today and who we are becoming. We’re not done growing and improving. Far from it. 

We want more classes for you, we want new classes for you, we want to continue to grow and develop but we are going in the right direction, finally, after a crazy, nail-biting, palpitation-inducing, year! We are going in the right direction and we are both very positive and excited for what the future holds.

And it’s all because of you. 

It starts with our amazing instructors and our staff, who work every single day to set up for the party. And our interns, who help support with the setup and preparations, every single day. Then you, the members, come in and the party begins. I love seeing you. Your energy gives me energy. Your results keep motivating me. And your hard work and dedication inspires me! It also forces me to stay on top of my own work because I’m accountable to all of you. I want to lead from the front and I don’t want to ask anything of you I’m not willing to do myself.

Some of you are newer and might not be familiar with who we are as much but I hope to get to know you all over time and for you to get to know us and our story too. If you want to find out a little more, please visit 

Some of you have been with us since we opened and as you know, it’s been a long, windy journey. A journey full of ups and downs and tears and heartache. We have made mistakes and we have been knocked down to our knees on several occasions. And some of the blows were so difficult, even we weren’t sure we’d be able to get back up!

But each time, we got back up and clawed our way back. None of THAT was part of the vision and many of the things that happened, we couldn’t have prepared for but each time, even when we considered giving up, we remembered why we started in the first place. 

I’m both so glad we didn’t give up and so proud of the Systems we have today. Not only what Systems is but who we are and what we stand for. What we are trying to accomplish and the results we have seen in you. Your hard work. Your results. Your wins. You being proud of who you are makes us proud. I love our kids program and helping shape a better future generation. I love being part of the community in Hawthorne and I want to continue to grow that community and help empower more people like yourself.

Just the other day, I sent a message to our staff and instructors, thanking them for their hard work and loyalty during one of our toughest years as a business: surviving a pandemic. Much like it was for many of you; it was trying to say the least. Long nights and difficult decisions that had to be made. But each time we felt the pressure and discomfort, we dug deep and thought of our WHY! You, our instructors, the community, the changes you feel, and so much more. 

Finally we’re heading in the right direction and so with that, I want to take this moment to also thank you, for your hard work and loyalty. We wouldn’t be who we are without you, so happy birthday to you because you are Systems. 

Let’s keep the party going!

Marcus Kowal



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