Women’s Self-Defense Event

Sexual violence is a continuum. The degrees of threats women face on a day-to-day basis varies but predatory behavior tends to follow similar patterns. While no one can control what people do and it’s difficult to guarantee safety in all situations there are things women can do to protect themselves.

No woman asks to be assaulted or deserves it - ever. Yet all the time, we hear survivors of sexual violence say, “I never thought this would happen to me.” It shouldn’t have happened but the reality is, predators exist and they thrive on women not knowing how to spot them or how to defend against their attacks (whether it be through sudden violence or consistent boundary violations to see how far they can push a victim).

In order for women to feel safer and actually be safer women need have the psychological aptitude to spot red flags, situational awareness, an understanding of personal boundaries, a willingness to enforce them when necessary, a fighter’s mindset, and then if that wasn’t enough, the physical skills to actually defend yourself if needed. Self-defense is dynamic and multilayered. It’s not just the situational awareness and it’s not just the physical skills. It’s both, together, working in harmony to make you that much safer.

Systems Training Center is hosting a Women’s ONLY Self Defense Seminar on May 21, 2022, 12 pm to 2 pm. In the seminar you will learn to spot and properly react to various degrees of danger depending on the level to threat. The seminar methodology is about giving women a comprehensive “toolbox” of strategies to address various degrees of threats when it comes to sexual violence. Over 70% of all sexual violence is committed by someone the victim knew which means it’s imperative to learn self defense for a wide array of scenarios.

womens self defense in los angeles

This women’s only self-defense seminar is designed for women of all shapes, sizes, ages, professions and fitness levels who would like to learn the most essential personal safety and self-defense strategies and techniques women need to know. 

This 2-hour seminar is specifically focused on giving women the tools they need to confront varying degrees of threats on the sexual violence continuum. The seminar will cover, boundary setting, de-escalation, situational awareness, and the most common attacks that women face in today’s society. You will learn combatives and defenses that have been battle tested and proven to work for anyone, regardless of size or physical fitness ability. 

You will leave confident in your new skills, as you will get a chance to try them out against an attacker in a protective suit, who you will be able to strike full force and test yourself against.

Stats on Sexual Violence

  • 43% of women will experience sexual violence in their life

  • 1 in 5 women in the US have experienced rape or attempted rape in their lifetime (1 in 3 worldwide)

  • Only 38% of sexually violent crimes were committed by a stranger

  • Majority of sexual assault victims are/were under 30

  • More than half of all alleged rapists have at least one conviction

The seminar will cover the needed components to be able to successfully defend yourself in a self-defense situation, such as understanding aggression and the use of it, as well as adrenaline, stress, and the fight/flight response. The self-defense seminar will teach participants the basics of biomechanics in order to create force and how to realistically fend off an attacker. It will also include some basic understanding of human behavior, predatory behavior, and awareness.

The seminar is on May 21, 2022, from 12 pm to 2 pm hosted at Systems Training Center and led by one of the top Krav Maga experts, Marcus Kowal. Reserve your spot at Systems Training Center or register online. The price of admission is $49 for non-members and $39 for members.

The benefits of the skill sets and knowledge you will gain in this course will not only serve you in a self-defense situation but also in many other aspects of life by increasing confidence, both when it comes to decision making and being able to communicate with conviction.

It is important to understand that in a real-life self-defense situation, a little goes a long way and the responsibility of your self-defense lies on you with most situations being over within less than a minute, even if you had time to call 911, law enforcement will be very unlikely to have the ability to get to you in time. Being able to defend oneself is very empowering and it comes with a huge peace of mind, knowing you can defend yourself and your loved ones. Another huge advantage is that knowing self-defense tends to lower anxiety overall because the training allows you to gain control of your state of fear, and your overly active fight or flight response. To be able to go full force and actually try out the technique at the end of class is also a tremendous way to get to test the actual techniques and recognize that they work. This is of utmost importance since confidence in something can only truly come from accomplishments.

Due to the highly personalized structure of the seminar, there’s only 20 spots available, so don’t wait to reserve your spot, or spots, as this is the perfect seminar to do with a friend, co-worker or mommy-daughter!


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