Win for STC Fighter - Gabe Silva


The fight game is full of uncertainty. On any given night, any fighter can be put down for the count with one well-placed shot. For Gabe Silva, this was never more apparent than on April 30, 2022. Stepping into the ring for Fighters Rep Promotions, Silva was fighting for more than just a win. He was fighting for his reputation and his future. With everything on the line, Silva dug deep and pulled out a victory. But what is it really like to be a fighter?

For Silva, it's all about the training. "You have to put in the work if you want to see results," he says. "I'm in the gym every day, working on my technique and my conditioning. It's not easy, but it's worth it." This dedication has paid off for Silva, who has seen his fair share of success in the ring. But he knows that success in fighting is often fleeting. "You can't take anything for granted," he says. "This business is full of ups and downs, and you never know when your next loss is going to come."

It takes a lot of discipline and dedication to train for a fight. "You have to be really disciplined with your diet and your training schedule," said Silva. For Silva, that meant getting up early to train then coaching and doing private training sessions during the day and between sessions, getting just a few more rounds on the bag. It was a grueling schedule, but it paid off in the end. "I felt calm and prepared leading up to the fight. The night of, it was nothing but good vibes," said Silva.

Silva’s game plan went according to plan. He studied his opponent, put in the work, came in with the right mindset, and came back with another win for the Systems Training Center fight team!

So what does the future hold for Gabe Silva? He’s already thinking about his next fight. Stay tuned for more fight news.

If you're thinking of becoming a fighter, or just curious about what boxing or kickboxing is like, get in touch with Systems Training Center for more information about personal training or group classes with Gabe. It might just be the best decision you ever make!

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