Our previous blog discussed the problems with traditional kids martial arts belt tests and how Systems Training Center is changing the process and mindset of testing and performance. Now we’d like to review the benefits of the Kids Warrior Ceremony at Systems Training Center.

Building Confidence

  • Each child gets their moment to have the spotlight be on them.

  • It’s an opportunity for the children to practice performing in front of an audience that will help them in school when they have to do presentations

  • This experience will help your child build their confidence in their own abilities as well because they will show off the skills they have learned in the last year


Build Positive Self Esteem

  • The testing is done the weeks before so they can focus on just the moment. There is no testing pressure.

  • Having a positive experience will help the child build their self-esteem and ties into the confidence-building

  • Having positive self-esteem means they will be able to have healthy relationships with others

  • Good self-esteem also means they will be able to handle feedback well which will allow them to learn better and apply that feedback.

  • Positive self-esteem is essential when it comes to building strong relationships, respecting oneself, following through, persevering, and so much more. If you believe you’re worth respect and love, that will be reflected in your actions and behaviors.


Practice Goal Setting

  • Testing leading up to the ceremony will give you and your child an idea of the strengths and areas of improvement for each child in each discipline.

  • A goal without a plan is just a wish. The belt test and then the ceremony allows children to understand where they are and come up with a strategy on how to improve.

  • This allows them to build healthy relationship with goal setting using the Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic/Relevant, Time (SMART) goals

  • Short-term: they are able to walk on a balance beam with support. Their next goal will be to walk in the beam without support by the time of the next ceremony in a few months.

  • Long-term: get to black belt in BJJ (this is a long-term goal but we will use short-term goals to get there. And each time they crush a small goal will help build their confidence).



Celebrate Each Child Accomplishments

  • Every child is different and everyone learns differently therefore progress looks different.

  • We don’t believe in standardized testing because it’s not a fair measure of what a child knows.

  • We believe in individual progress and building the best version of themselves.

  • The ceremony is a HUGE deal because we are celebrating the progress of each child regardless of what that looks like. 

  • Celebrating wins like this will help build positive goal-setting habits that will translate into school and life. 



Real-World Application

  • Being able to pass a test and show off a move is one thing but HOW can we apply those moves in a realistic scenario?

  • What does it matter that they can do this move?

  • The ceremony is a chance for kids to practice and show the application of techniques (i.e ideation of movements in an obstacle for Ninja, application of real self-defense positions in BJJ, timing, and reaction for KB)

  • Parents can feel at ease and peace of mind that their child is actually learning.


Building Connections with Peers

  • After 2 years of social distancing, children more than ever are bound to lots of screen time and are not making the same social interactions.

  • This ceremony is a way for children to participate in social engagement by supporting their peers.

  • Social-emotional skills: interest in being a part of a group, interacting appropriately with others, resolving conflicts (internal or external), being competitive while being a good sport, developing close friendships.


Weight Trainers vs Fitness Trainers


Why kids belt tests are important and how Systems Training Center is challenging the traditional testing process